TTT (on Hiatus): EVEN BETTER than the Book.

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

The lovely ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish are on hiatus for a few more weeks, so time for another weekly freebie.

A couple of years ago, I started watching the TV series Pretty Little Liars, which was based on Sara Shepard’s book series. The show had it’s series finale a few weeks ago. I’ve been missing the PLLs, so I thought I’d give the book series a try. Last week I finished listening to the first four books, which ultimately paralleled the first two seasons of the show. I’d hoped to have a mini-review up by now to point to, but I don’t, so to sum it up – the TV show is better than the books. Much better. Which lead me to this week’s TTT (on Hiatus) topic:

When the Movie (or TV Show) is EVEN BETTER than the book.

Wait. What?

You read that right.

EVEN BETTER than the book. Crazy, right?

I know – for us bookworms, the majority of the time the movie doesn’t even come close to the experience of reading the book. Don’t even get me started (or my son!) on Percy Jackson. But I digress…


Every once in a while, there’s that film (or show) that’s EVEN BETTER. I know, I know.  It doesn’t seem possible. But it’s true. Sometimes it’s just seeing the story brought to life by amazing actors. Sometimes the film makes *gasp* changes to the story to bring it to the big screen, and those changes make all the difference.

And there’s also those (rare) times when you couldn’t stand the book, but loved the movie.

So this week it’s all about celebrating these uncommon occurrences where we like the movie EVEN BETTER than the book.

Like I said, crazy.



  • The Princess Bride – One of my favorite all-time films, it just keeps getting better with age. I’ve read the book once, but I bet I’ve seen this movie 100 times. (No joke, just ask my husband.)

As You Wish

  • Lord of the Rings – I tried to read LotR when I was about 12. I thought it was just my age. I found out at 25 that no, I actually am just not a Tolkien fan. But I really enjoy Peter Jackson’s vision of the trilogy.
  • Stand By Me – Based on Stephen King’s novella The Body, one of the best coming of age stories ever told on screen.


  • Salmon Fishing in the Yemen – A great film from start to finish, I preferred the ending the movie had over the book.
  • Bedknobs and Broomsticks – The changes for the silver screen adaptation make the film even more magical than the book.
  • The Shawshank Redemption – Another from Stephen King, based on his novella Rita Hayward and the Shawshank Redemption. Interestingly enough, this story and The Body are two of the four stories that make up Mr. King’s book Different Seasons.

TV Shows

  • BBC Sherlock – Anyone who’s followed my page for a while knows that this version of a modern day Sherlock is one of my favorite shows. But who was that lead actor again?


  • House of Cards – Based on the UK trilogy by Michael Hobbs, House of Cards has been adapted from the Parliament to the US Congress. Congressman Francis Underwood is even more ruthless than the book’s Francis Urquhart. And don’t even get me started on his wife Claire. I can’t wait for season six.

  • Murder She Baked – I liked the Hannah Swenson books for a while, but then I got tired of waiting for her to choose between Mike and Norman. However, my boys and I have enjoyed watching Allison Sweeney bring Hannah to life.
  • Pretty Little Liars – While the first two seasons follow the general outline of the first four books, Aria, Spenser, Hannah, and Emily are just so much more likable in the TV show.

Now I know I’ve probably missed some great adaptations in this list. I should note I haven’t read nor watched Game of Thrones or Dexter. I’ve read Big Little Lies, but haven’t yet seen the mini-series. Thoughts? What else did I miss? Sound off below, and link up to your own TTT (on Hiatus) if you’ve got one!

10 thoughts on “TTT (on Hiatus): EVEN BETTER than the Book.

  1. This is probably going to upset a lot of people, but I have to say the Game of Thrones series is SO much easier to follow as a show than in the books. The books are both character and plot driven and there are SO MANY POVs and each character has at least 3 nicknames which aren’t easy to figure out when reading. I started watching the show first and then started the books, and they’re so dense that I STILL haven’t been able to get through them. I will say this, watching the show first and then reading the books made it so much easier to keep track of who all the characters were because I had a face to put with the name.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve actually heard that from a lot of people who have both read and watched. My husband is watching, and he’s in the middle of season five. I tried to watch one show with him and kept asking questions, and his answers about just the characters in that scene were so long and confusing. I finally said, “Nevermind, I don’t want to know.” Clearly GoT is not a series you can pick up in the middle! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • My husband just started on Season 2 and I’m on the current season, and he’s doing the same thing when I watch the current shows, why is this person doing this? Don’t pay attention to anything that I’m watching, wait til you get here, then all will be made clear.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. FIOS gave me free HBO for a period of time (Loyalty), and when I began watching, Big, Little Lies was running, but I was reading the book, so I didn’t watch it, but it was supposed to have been wonderful ( so was the book).


  3. The Princess Bride and Bedknobs & Broomsticks are two where I’ve only seen the show, haven’t read the book. And I don’t really need to, I’m kinda just happy with the shows? And I’ve watched a little of PLL but just the first season. I loved Big Little Lies and the adaptation was done well, I thought, but the book will always be tops for me. At least in that case.

    Game of Thrones I’m probably in the minority since I prefer the books and am not crazy about the show- even though I watch and review the episodes lol.


  4. I haven’t read the PLL-books, but I do know that the show got on my nerves after a couple of seasons. I don’t even remember how many I’ve seen, but I got so sick of never getting an obvious person to blame, haha. It just made me lose interest..
    Someone told me the books are better, now you’re saying the series. I don’t know anymooooore. Maybe one day I’ll start the series from the start and not get frustrated after a while.. I don’t know.. Ugh.

    Dexter is awesome though! I never thought it’d be my thing, but when my boyfriend started bingeing it, I picked up quite a few episodes myself while reading. Loved it! Haven’t read the book(s), but I can’t see myself liking those more than the series really.. Maybe one day I’ll find out, haha.

    Nice TTT!


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