The Dinner List. Probably my favorite read of 2019.

The Dinner List

By: Rebecca Serle

Rating: 5/5 Stairs

Quick note on this review. I read this book in late February 2019. February. That was months ago. And when I finished, I started writing this review. But honestly, this story was so beautiful and I loved it so much I had trouble getting my thoughts down. Since reading (mostly listening to) The Dinner List, I even bought myself a copy because I need it in my personal library.

img_2074Honestly, looking here at what I’m writing, I’m still not saying a whole lot about this book. I’m still having trouble getting my thoughts down. But I can tell you this book gives me all of the feels, and it might just be my absolute favorite read of 2019.

I was looking for an audio book for the car, and randomly picked up The Dinner List at the library. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I figured you couldn’t go wrong with a story that featured a dinner with Audrey Hepburn.

I loved this story.

Sabrina walks into a restaurant to have her annual birthday dinner at a table for two with her best friend Jessica. Instead she finds a table for six – Jessica, her (dead) father, an old professor, her ex-boyfriend Tobias, and Audrey Hepburn. It’s Sabrina’s list of the five people she would like to have dinner with if she could.

How did they get here? Why is this dinner even happening? The book alternates chapters between the dinner itself and Sabrina and Tobias’ decade-long (dare I say epic?) love story as Sabrina struggles with understanding the purpose of this meal and where these five people fit into her life.

I loved this book. I know, I’ve said that a lot in this review. But it’s true. It is one of those books that spoke to me long after it ended. The concept, the characters, the love story.

One of my favorite parts was a game that Sabrina and Tobias would play throughout: “Five words to describe your life right now, right this moment.”

My five after reading The Dinner List: Love. Heartbreak. Magic. Beautiful. Hope.

4 thoughts on “The Dinner List. Probably my favorite read of 2019.

  1. Pingback: 2019 – My Top Ten & Reading Wrap Up | Hidden Staircase

  2. Pingback: In Five Years. An unexpected love story. | Hidden Staircase

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