TTT: Too Many Books. Memory Loss Edition.

Welcome back to our weekly Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

January 23: Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About

This is an interesting topic this week – you would think that if was a book you loved and gave five stars to, you would remember what it was about. Right?

Well, let me set you straight. I can tell you that as a person who reads loads of mystery series, it is easy to love a mystery series (and the characters) but look at a title years later and have no idea what that specific outing was about. At least for me. Also, for those of us who read a lot – we know that as the years go by some of the books we’ve read stick with us, while others do not.

I mean, take Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series – which I love to read. In pretty much every book, he’s hitchhiked (or taken a bus) into a random small town and stumbled into trouble. He (usually) finds a damsel in distress, and together they (literally) beat (up) the bad guys at their own game. Now some of the books deviate from this formula, and those I remember better than others. For instance, 61 Hours is memorable because it takes place over 61 hours. And ended with a bit of a cliffhanger. In one book he is even a homeowner and not a homeless nomad with literally the clothes on his back. (Note: I should probably pull this example. I tried to find the book on Goodreads to link to it here, and I’ve got no idea which outing this was. I think it was #4, but I can’t be sure without more research? Who knows. Case proven.)

On the other hand, there’s an author like Rainbow Rowell – where every story she writes is completely different. I’ve read Landline, Eleanor & Park, Carry On, and her short story Kindred Spirits. Each one is distinct, and I don’t think I’m likely to forget the major plot points.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, get ready for a lot of books from mystery series highlighted this week. I really do love the series, I just can’t remember this particular outing! (Sorry, Reacher!)

Yes, I read this book. Yes, I liked it. Just don’t ask me to tell you what it’s about.

I took a stroll down (my Goodreads “Read” shelf) Memory Lane, and came up with these ten books that I read, but I don’t really remember. Also, I will note that many of these were, in fact 4 star reads for me. Surprisingly, most of my 5 stars I remember. At least the ones I’ve shelved on Goodreads.

So to all those books out there who thought they would make the cut this week but didn’t –  if I read you prior to joining Goodreads in January 2010, maybe you DO belong on this list! I just don’t remember. 😉


I’ve read a ton (in three cases, ALL) from these series, and now some of the outings just run together:

These are from a series, but I’ve only read the one book, which I liked:


Is it just me? Do you remember every book you’ve ever read and enjoyed? Have you read one of these ten books and think I’m nuts for not remembering the plot? Sound off below and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

BONUS QUESTION: Can you guess which three series from my list that I’ve managed to read every full-length book published?

5 thoughts on “TTT: Too Many Books. Memory Loss Edition.

  1. I have found specifically with Agatha Christie mysteries that I remember all of the red herrings but don’t remember which ones really did relate to the solution. The good news about that is that I can re-read them or watch a wonderful BBC Mystery production of one and not know the ending. (Except for Murder on the Orient Express and the Murder of Roger Ackroyd – I won’t forget those.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I could have added MANY Agatha Christie books here – I read them in high school and it’s been so long I can’t remember them at all. Except the basics about Orient Express and And Then There Were None. Her books are on my list for a re-read for sure!


  2. I have this problem with mysteries/ thrillers as well. Even looking back at least year, at some of the thrillers I reviewed, there are a few that I’m like- what happened in that one again? lol


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