TTT: 2018 Bookish Resolutions

Welcome to our first (hopefully of many) Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Thank you for continuing this fun weekly list!

January 16: Bookish Resolutions/Goals

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I do like the idea of having reading goals though. I haven’t sat down and planned any of these out, these are all off the top of my head. Well, except the first two.

1. Pay attention to the POPSUGAR Reading Challenge. I started attempting these reading challenges in 2015. My problem is, after a couple of months I forget about consulting this challenge when I select my next read. Since I gravitate towards mysteries, it’s nice to read outside of my box once in a while to fit one of their categories.

2. Catch up on my ARCs. I need to improve my NetGalley review rating, which is sitting just under 50%. (I also need to quit requesting books!) I think I’m going to sign up for the Blogger Shame Challenge.

3. Use my Book Planner. I got a beautiful yearly book planner in my December OwlCrate shipment.

4. Be more timely in my reviews. I’m always saying, I’ll get to it later, and later never comes.

5. Prioritize reviews. Understand that I may not have time to add a review to Hidden Staircase for every book I read. It’s okay on some of these random library finds to just mark it as read and give it a star rating on Goodreads.

6. Set some time each week to catch up with my fellow bloggers. You all have fantastic posts, and I want to make sure I have time to read them.

I think six is all I’ve got this week. But that’s pretty good for not ACTUALLY having set any goals. And really, these seem to be boiling down to two overall themes:

1. Organization and

2. Time Management.

I think I can do it.


What about you? What bookish goals have you set for yourself this year? Sound off below, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

15 thoughts on “TTT: 2018 Bookish Resolutions

  1. I am slowly learning that I don’t need to review everything on the blog- sometimes just a rating on Goodreads would be sufficient! Although my ability to keep Goodreads updated needs some work as well, but we won’t go there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I’m hoping that my book planner is going to help with all that. We will see if I can keep up a little better this year. So far, I’m doing okay. 🙂 But it’s only January. Ha!


    • Me too! Last year I just did not plan my time very well and I missed out on keeping up with a lot of great blogs. I really want to do better this year. The bookish community is fantastic!


  2. You can do it! And I can relate to the spending time reading other blogs! Going to have to pencil in two days a week for myself to sit down and spend a few hours doing just that.

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    • Thank you! For me, once I get behind then it gets totally overwhelming to try to catch up, and I just keep getting more behind on reviews. I’m going to be better this year in identifying books that really need a review here, and others that I can just star on Goodreads for my yearly book challenge. I’ve learned over the last few years that I just don’t have the time to write a good review for every single book I read.

      Liked by 1 person

    • My goal on the POPSUGAR challenge is to just try and get as many as I can. Hoping to hit more than last year, but if I don’t I’m okay with that. I have yet to finish a POPSUGAR challenge. LOL. What book planner are you using?


  3. I’ve never heard of the popsugar challenge! But I don’t need any reading goals other than slog through my existing TBR 🙂 Like you, I always put off writing my reviews, but I seem to be getting better at that as I blog for longer…

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  4. Pingback: Bury Your Dead. Such a beautiful story. | Hidden Staircase

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