TTT. 2017: So Many Books. So Little Time.

Top Ten Tuesday

Sadly, this is our last week with Top Ten Tuesday being hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. They will be shutting their doors for at least a while. Thanks to all the love, sweat, and tears these ladies have put into TTT every week for so many years.

On a positive note, it is being moved to That Artsy Reader Girl (one of the Broke and Bookish gals), so TTT will live on! Thanks Jana for continuing this fun weekly (and sometimes challenging!) list.

Onto this week’s topic…

January 9: Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To (and totallyyyy plan to get to in 2018!!)

2017: So Many Books, So Little Time.

I love looking back at the previous year to see not only what I’ve read, but what I added to my TBR and then missed for one reason or another. (Usually because I add books faster than I can ever read them!)

Let’s look back at my past TTT’s on this topic, when I pick ten books that I missed and I totallyyyy plan to read. Last year I read 5 out of 10 on my 2017 list. Yay! 50%. Not bad. But the year before? (2016) I only got to one on my list. And I actually read that one in 2017 (Veronica Mars). Whoops. (The rest are still on my TBR!)

I’m ahead of the game this year (maybe?) as I’m working on three right now that I wanted to read in 2017.


Currently Reading

(Hopefully) Coming Soon


As always, I have good intentions as I start 2018, but I know there will be tons of new releases and recommendations that continue to grow my TBR list, and odds are I won’t get to all ten of these. But here’s hoping!


What books do you want to catch up on this year? In other words, what did I miss that I need to add to my list? 😉 Have you read any of the books that I’m hoping to read? Sound off below, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

3 thoughts on “TTT. 2017: So Many Books. So Little Time.

  1. Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore is on my list this week too! I really did want to read it in 2017, and I do intend to get to it… but it’s just so easy to get sidetracked. Looks like you have some great books on your list — good luck!


  2. I have read In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen. Excellent. I have the Tuscan Child on hold at the library. I have read all of Bowen’s Her Royal Spyness books. I am very addicted to series. I need to add more stand-alone books. For your 2018 list, I recommend adding The Mitford murders by Jessica Fellowes.

    Liked by 1 person

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