TTT: Spring 2018 Reading List


Welcome back to our weekly Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

March 20: Books On My Spring TBR

Spring 2018 Hopefuls

I have so many books I want to read this spring! It was hard to narrow it down to ten. Here are ten I can’t wait to get to and hope to finish by the summer.


Spring 2018 Reading List:


Sidenote: My son and I went to see Love, Simon last weekend. I loved it. Can’t wait to read the book, which has been on my TBR forever!

Okay, now it’s your turn! What books are you looking forward to reading this spring? Do we have any of the same? Have you read any of the books I’m looking forward to? Is there are fantastic book I need to add to my list? Sound off below, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

11 thoughts on “TTT: Spring 2018 Reading List

    • It was such a great film! I want to see it again. I’m looking forward to getting more in depth with the story in the book and seeing how the movie follows (or doesn’t follow) the source material. And Bonfire is also a reminder to me that I need to watch Jessica Jones season 1. 😉

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  1. Then She Was Gone *nods* I’ve really enjoyed the Lisa Jewell books I’ve read, so that definitely need to go on my list also. It Begins in Betrayal looks good too- I thought that was a Jacqueline Winspear book for a minute, from the cover. which I like, BTW! That cover style always works for me. 🙂


  2. Great list! I just finished Bonfire and enjoyed it! Wasn’t too much a fan of The Favorite Sister, but I know a lot of people loved it 🙂 I’ve got Beartown on my list, too! Happy reading 🤗


  3. I seriously need to figure out how to finish my tbr pile!! I have a huge pile at home, still buying new ones and instead of reading them i am reading pdfs :/


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