TTT: Ten Bookish Facts

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

Ten Facts About Me (bookish or just general about you facts or ten facts about you as a blogger…whatever you want)

Okay. Let’s see. Important facts you lovely readers out there need to know about me…

  1. I love mysteries.
  2. I love Benedict Cumberbatch.

The End.


Wait. What? You’re saying that many of my TTT posts have made these facts abundantly clear? Hmmm…

Ha! Just kidding.

In all seriousness, there are a lot of ways to go with this list. Since this is a book blog, I’ll stick to bookish-type facts about me. Shall we begin?

1. I’m a Fangirl. I tend to go all in, whether it’s books, TV, or film. Oh, the feels! (See Harry Potter. No, Benedict Cumberbatch. Pretty Little Liars. Gilmore Girls. Veronica Mars! Don’t forget Star Wars! And yes, five years later [I was late to the party] I still love Twilight. Darn that Edward Cullen for sucking me in!)


2. I am devoted to book series. For me, there is nothing better than finding a great series that continues to develop the characters book after book. I love knowing that I can continue to visit these characters and their settings in new stories. (See Maisie Dobbs. Or Hamish Macbeth. Or Inspector Lynley. How about Cotton Malone? Oh shoot, just visit my Favorite Series page.)

3. I am also devoted to authors. Second best to finding a series? Finding a fantastic author to follow. (See Rainbow Rowell and Liane Moriarty.)

4. My favorite time to read is when it’s raining or snowing outside, and I am inside curled up with a soft blanket, a cup of tea (or hot cocoa), and my dog.


5. The above noted, I read anywhere and everywhere. My friends ask me how I get through so many books. I listen to books in the car. I read before bed. I always have a book (okay, several books) on my phone. I keep a book in my purse. I am known to read in the morning while brushing my teeth and drying my hair. (Hey, as a mother of two busy boys you read when you can.)


6. Yes, I love mysteries. But I read other stuff too. Children’s books, young adult, historical fiction, true crime, non-fiction, even some chick lit now and then. Although, most of them have some mystery element to them. Shhhhhhh…

7. I like to read with music playing in the background. My husband thinks I’m nuts. He can’t concentrate on the words if there’s a song in the background. I love it.


8. I prefer physical books to ebooks. Hence, why I carry a book in my purse.

9. I cannot walk out of the library without picking up random book finds. I go in to pick up a book (or three) that the library is holding for me. And I always add at least two more new finds to that stack. Every time.


10. Growing up, my Dad and I would share a bowl of puffy Cheetos while reading our respective Stephen King books. Cheetos remains one of my favorite snacks to eat while reading to this day. Especially when reading Stephen King.


Now it’s your turn! Give me a bookish fact about yourself. And if you’ve got 10 facts, link up to your own TTT list in the comments below!

9 thoughts on “TTT: Ten Bookish Facts

  1. Great list! I agree about finding new series and new authors. I discovere Liane Moriarty last year and she’s definitely a favorite of mine now. And I love a good long running series… 🙂


  2. Curling up with a good book on a rainy, snowy or gloomy day (preferably with a warm beverage in hand) is one of my favorite things, and it somehow makes books like mysteries, thrillers and historical fiction so much more atmospheric. I’ll never forget reading “The Thirteenth Tale” by Diane Setterfield sitting in the car in the autumn forest in Smoky Mountain National Park while rain pattered on the roof as my husband fished for trout in the river below. Perfect! (Sadly, now that we’re in Hawaii for the next three years, I won’t get to do that at all! I fully intend to close the blinds and curtains, crank down the A/C, make some cocoa, put on one of my hand-knitted scarves and curl up with a book every once in a while!)


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