Music Monday. Roy Orbison & Moana. (Weird combo, I know.)


Rules from Lauren:
Every Monday share one or two of songs you’ve been enjoying lately.  It doesn’t have to be a specific genre, new, or one of your favorites – just something you’d like to share with others.  If possible, share a music or lyric video of the song and your thoughts on the song(s), artist(s), and/or music video(s).

If you would like to participate in Music Monday, please join the link up by sharing your post’s url over at this week’s post on Always Me.

Over the last couple of weeks, many of my friends oldest have been graduating from high school. This is the first year where we’ve been so close to the senior class, and my heart hurts a little. It has been amazing watching these kids grow over the years into the amazing young men and women they’ve become. So this week I’ve got two songs…

Crying by Roy Orbison

This is a huge joke at my house. I’m an easy crier.

How Far I’ll Go from Moana

Our youth bells rang this on Sunday, which was extra special as I help out with the youth bells and have rung bells with three of these seniors for the last six years. I can’t wait to see them change the world!

Happy Monday All!

2 thoughts on “Music Monday. Roy Orbison & Moana. (Weird combo, I know.)

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