TTT: Dust off those shelves.


Welcome back to our weekly Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

February 6: Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

I wouldn’t say I have an “official” TBR – I just keep sticking books on my “to-read” shelf over at Goodreads. And let’s just say it has A LOT of books in it. A LOT. More than I could ever possibly read, since for every one I get off of my TBR, I probably add 20 more books. (My to-read shelf currently has over 1000 books on it. I probably should do a little clean up over there. Add it to my list.)

TTT: Dust off Those Shelves and Read Me Already!


Here are 10 books that have been sitting on that list for a while. And they are not just sitting on the list – they are actually, physically sitting on my bookshelf. Silent reminders of promises made and yet to be kept. I know I will get to these books – eventually.


Have you read any of these, or are some of them part of your TBR too? What books did you dust off for the list this week? Sign off below, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

20 thoughts on “TTT: Dust off those shelves.

    • Oh that’s good to know about the audio. Sometimes when there’s a book I just haven’t had time to get to, I’ll try the audio book from the library. I’ve heard such great things about The Time Traveler’s Wife. I really need to read that one. I need more time in the day! 🙂

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  1. I feel like everyone and everything has read Fangirl but me, but here we are – someone who hasn’t read Fangirl yet! *high fives for relatability*

    I might choose to listen to the audio version since I read quicker (despite the fact I barely pay attention, which is really sad…)


    • You are not alone! LOL I may end up listening to the audio book too. I listened to the audio for all the other Rainbow Rowell books I’ve read and loved the narrators. I ordered this copy of Fangirl because Ms. Rowell was signing books, which is super awesome! 🙂


  2. I liked Fangirl, and it’s kind of stuck with me, so that must be a sign that I liked it. 🙂 I think it’s a nice coming of age/ first time college kind of read. And I’ve seen Time Traveler’s Wife on a few lists already, and heard good things, so that one must be pretty good as well!


  3. I have had Weird Sisters on my TBR forever it feels like. I loved Eleanor Brown’s book A Light in Paris and thought I was going to immediately start her other book. And of course I haven’t. Dorian Grey is coming up on my reading list and I’m looking forward to it. It’s another one that I can’t believe I haven’t read! Great list!


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