TTT: Covers I Couldn’t Resist

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

May 2: Cover Theme Freebie

I was a little torn on this weeks theme. I thought about selecting ten covers with amazing typography. Or looking at covers of a certain color. What about covers with cartoons on the front? There are some beautiful covers done with watercolor. As you can see, there are so many options! It was too hard to decide which way I wanted to go. So instead, I’ve gone with…

Ten Covers I Couldn’t Resist

These are books that I didn’t know anything about before I saw the cover. Unknown author, characters, plot, even genre. The cover is what drew me in, and I read the book.


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the UniverseThe Hopefuls
LandlineThe Hundred Lies of Lizzie LovettThe Outsmarting of Criminals
The Mapping of Love and Death |Where’d You Go, Bernadette
The Book of Speculation
| Dumplin’ | The Nest


What about you? Is there a book that you read solely based on the cover? What direction did you take with this week’s topic? Share your thoughts below, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

10 thoughts on “TTT: Covers I Couldn’t Resist

  1. Aristotle and Dante always jumps out at me (I guess I love that style of cover design) and same thing with the Winspear covers. I always like those.


  2. What a great way to go with the topic! I’m a total cover-judger and there are many books I knew nothing about and picked up based on the cover alone. Some even became favorites! Of these, I think my favorite cover is “The Hopefuls.” I really like covers with illustrations as opposed to photographs (and it looks like you do too!).


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