TTT: Fandom Freebie (Full of Sherlock Silliness).

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

April 4Fandom Freebie — top ten fandoms I’m in, 10 reasons X fandom is the best, must have merchandise for x fandom, etc. etc.

Why Fandom
I should probably stop here and mention that NONE of the graphics this week are mine. They are all fabulous finds of mine on Pinterest. If you so desire, you can visit me over at my I am SHERlocked board for more.

Sherlock NutshellThere are so many great fandoms out there. Books, TV, and movies are the ones I gravitate to. Harry Potter. Star Wars. Doctor Who. All things Disney. Gilmore Girls. Veronica Mars. Pretty Little Liars. You get the idea. But there is one fandom for me that sparkles just a little more than any other.

Of course, I’m going with the fabulous SHERLOCK fandom this week. (No one is surprised by this announcement, I’m sure.)

Now, for those of you unfamiliar with BBC Sherlock, it is a wonderfully fantastic show staring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, filled with short seasons and extraordinarily long hiatuses in between. The show has been on the air since January 2010, and we Sherlockians now have a grand total of 13 episodes to watch. Oh, yes. You read that right. THIRTEEN episodes. Three per season (or series, as they say in the UK), four seasons (series), and a 2016 Christmas special.

Sherlock 6 episodes

So the Sherlock Fandom has a lot of time on it’s hands to get silly while awaiting our next fix. (Which sadly now may be never, there may not be a season five. *sigh* But I digress…)

TTT: Silliness in the Sherlock Fandom

As I trolled through my Pinterest board, I knew there was no way I could keep this to just 10 silly gifs. Sorry. (Not sorry.) You get a lot of silliness this week. So much so that I lost count. 😉 (You know I can talk about Sherlock all day long, right?) BUT I did group them together for your viewing pleasure. Click on the pictures for a larger, easier-on-the-eyes version.

Very Punny



Somehow the fandom started comparing pictures of Benedict to pictures of otters. Then Martin Freeman to hedgehogs. It was all downhill from there.


Silly Sherlock

These are ridiculous. And make me giggle.


The Fandom

Sherlockians. We are a weird bunch.


Hiatus Fun

Just a couple of examples of the silliness that hiatus brings.

Sherlock Tumblr2    Sherlock Tumblr

More Hiatus Fun (OK, Just Really Long Graphics I Grouped Together)

These are super narrow pictures from Pinterest. I shrunk them to fit on the page, but they are hilarious. Open for a closer look.

Sherlock Hastags  Otterlock3    Sherlock Code

Welcome to the Sherlock Fandom.

Sherlock Sherlolly Kiss Slow

What Fandom did you highlight this week? I can’t wait to hear about it and what makes it so fantastic! Are you a Sherlockian too? (Or a Cumbercookie? Or both?) Sign off below and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!

23 thoughts on “TTT: Fandom Freebie (Full of Sherlock Silliness).

  1. LOL, it is a pretty fun fandom, most of the time. Since I fall in the camp that loves “The Canon” most of all, I sometimes feel excluded by those who don’t want to acknowledge ACD. Which is silly, because without him none of it would have existed. Anyway, they couldn’t have chosen a better pair for this iteration of Sherlock.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love that Moffat and Gatiss are such huge fans of the original stories. I think they’ve done a great job bringing them to life in a modern setting, basing each episode off of one of the original Sherlock adventures. And yes I agree – Benedict and Martin are perfect together in this adaptation! 🙂


  2. Oh these are fantastic! I love Sherlock memes! I just (like really just) finished the last episode of the 4th series and my head is still spinning. There was a distinct final touch at the end. I’m trying not to imagine that it really is the end. I guess I do have all 13 to go back and rewatch! I’m sure there’s a detail or two or five that I missed the first time around.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I rather like Otterlock! Seriously though I had no idea there so few episodes, I guess I assumed there were many more and that might be one of the reasons I’ve never given it a try. I’ll have to take a look. Great post- love how you did this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Otterlock is so cute! Sherlock really is just the best. Every episode is like a film. Some are funny, some are dark. There are big cliff hangers at the end of each of the first three seasons, but this last one of season 4 really felt like an ending. Give it a try, Greg! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. 🙂


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