TTT:Villain Edition

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

October 4:  All About The Villains — top ten favorite/most compelling villains in books, top ten of the most vile villains/bad guys in books, top ten villains I secretly (or not so secretly) love, favorite tv villains, favorite comic book villains, ten “villains” of contemporary lit.

I know this is a book blog, but when I think of villains the TV and movie villains are the ones who really stick with me. Maybe it’s because I read so many mysteries, the villains get mixed up in my mind after a while. Or maybe it’s because they are one-off villains and not usually a big-bad like we tend to see on screen.

Whatever the case, I realized my list will be much more fun (to write and to read) if I stick to TV and film. So, without further ado…

My Top Ten On-Screen Villains I Love to Hate

Television Baddies


Cole Turner (Charmed) ♦ Regina/The Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time) ♦ Moriarty (BBC Sherlock) ♦ Penguin (1960’s Batman) ♦ JR Ewing (Dallas)

Film Villains


Kahn (Star Trek: Into Darkness) ♦ The Wicked Witch of the West (The Wizard of Oz) ♦ The Sanderson Sisters (Hocus Pocus) ♦ Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) ♦ Darth Vader (Star Wars)


I realized I could have just made this a list of Disney villains, they are all so much fun! I limited myself to my favorite, Maleficent. What about you? Who are your favorite villains? Do you prefer them on the page or on the screen? Sign off below, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one!


11 thoughts on “TTT:Villain Edition

  1. Pingback: TTT: Fall 2018 TBR | Hidden Staircase

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