No TTT this week. How about Book Quote Tuesday instead?

Sorry, folks. No Top Ten Tuesday today. Today’s topic is “Ten Characters You Just Didn’t Click With.”

Off the top of my head, all I’ve got is Harry Potter‘s Delores Umbridge, and I’m pretty sure no one was supposed to click with her. Which lead me to think about characters you love to hate, but since I love to hate them, I feel like I still click with them. (I don’t love to hate Umbridge. I just really, really despise her.) So I’m skipping TTT this week. I look forward to read other lists and see what their take on this topic is.

Instead, I’ll leave you with a quote from a lovely book I’ve just started and am really enjoying.

He wanted her to sense the boundless possibilities offered by books. There would always be love enough. They would never stop loving their readers, They were a fixed point in an otherwise unpredictable world. In life. In love. After death.

– The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

The Little Paris Bookshop

7 thoughts on “No TTT this week. How about Book Quote Tuesday instead?

  1. You guys are so nice – you’re making me feel like a troll. I had trouble narrowing down all of the characters I didn’t click with! But you’re right about Umbridge x she’s the most horrifying thing in HP.
    As a side note, I’ve been hearing a lot of good about “The Little Paris Bookshop.” Do you plan on writing a review?


  2. Umbridge — oh my gosh, probably my most hated book character ever! I despise her!

    I found tons of awesome quotes — especially about books and reading — in “The Little Paris Bookshop,” but overall I was a little disappointed. I hope you like it more than I did! 🙂


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