TTT: Ten Fairy Tale Retellings

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

I can immediately think of a lot of movies/TV shows that fit this week’s top ten topic, but not nearly as many books. It took a bit of pondering, but I was able to get my list to ten.

I am short on time this week, so I’m keeping this TTT short and sweet. This week’s topic…

Ten Fairy Tale Retellings I’ve Read/Want To Read

As usual, my list is in no particular order within the two groups (read/want to read).

Fairy Tale Retellings that I’ve Read

Top Ten Tuesday: Fairy Tale Retellings

Fairy Tale Retellings that I Want to Read

TTT Fairy Tale Retellings


Making this list has me excited to start these books! What retellings made your list? Comment away, and link up to your own TTT if you’ve got one.

47 thoughts on “TTT: Ten Fairy Tale Retellings

    • I liked Wicked, but it is different from the musical. I read the whole series, but liked Wicked the best. I need to get going on the rest of the Lunar Chronicles (Cinder). We need more hours in the day for sure!!


    • I enjoyed Cinder. It’s a great twist – she’s actually part cyborg. As a girl she was in a horrific car accident and to save her life they had to replace parts of her with machinery. Really interesting way to handle the fairy tale and move it to a sci-fi realm.

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  1. I need to read Cinder ASAP! I’ve been wanting to for so long and haven’t yet.
    I got a free e-book of Insanity last week and I’m so excited to start that!
    Great book choices! So many that I want to read!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I completely forgot about Gregory Maguire when I was working on my list — and I’ve read either 3 or 4 of his fairy tale retellings! I’m glad someone remembered to include Wicked. Nice list!

    Liked by 1 person

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